Goldstein, S.J.; et al
Environmental and Human Monitoring of Americium-241 Utilizing Extraction Chromatography and a-Spectrometry, Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 69, No. 5, pp. 809-812, (1997)
Am in Environmental, Bioassay using TRU Resin and alpha-spec (GS297 )
Gingell, T.
The Determination of Uranium in Environmental Samples Using Extraction Chromatography, Journal of Radioanalytical & Nuclear Chemistry, Vol. 226, Nos. 1-2, pp. 185-189, (1997)
U in Environmental using UTEVA Resin and alpha-spec (GT197 )
Horwitz, E.P.; et al
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Actinides in Aqueous using Actinide Resin and (HP197 )
Li, T.K.; et al
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Pu, U in Spent Nuclear Fuel using UTEVA Resin and gamma-spec (LT197 )
Moir, D.L.; Joseph, D.L.
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Tc in Fuel Leachates using TEVA Resin and LSC (ML197 )
Martin, J.P.; Odell, K.J.
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Sr, TRUs in Environmental using TRU Resin, Sr Resin, Anion Exchange Resin and Cerenkov, LSC (MP197 )
Pilvio, Riita; Bickel, M.
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U, Th, Pu, Am, Cm in Environmental using UTEVA Resin, TRU Resin and alpha-spec (PI197 )
Porter, C.E.; et al
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Fm, Cm, Y, Dy, Ho, Cf, Es, Bk in Aqueous using TEVA Resin (PO197 )
Uchida, S.; Tagami, K.
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Tc in using and (US197 )
Saito, Takashi; et al
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U in Bauxite, Aluminium Compounds using UTEVA Resin and alpha-spec (SN197 )